Reuben Ebrahimoff



for Sefer




The Haftorah for Parshat Pinchas

The Haftorah is read from the book of Melachim Aleph (Kings 1), 18: 46 - 19: 21


To prove who is the real god to the Baal worshippers, Eliyahu’s request for Hashem to perform miracles is answered at Mt. Carmel.


The connection of the Haftorah to the Parsha: Pinchas and Eliyahu both acted zealously on G-d’s behalf and were rewarded in return. In addition, there are many popular beliefs as to the relationship of Eliyahu to Pinchas. According to some, Eliyahu is in fact a “reincarnation” of Pinchas himself. Others believe that Eliyahu is Pinchas at a later stage of his life.

The storyline of this week's Haftorah: The Haftorah begins with Eliyahu fleeing for his life from the wicked Queen Jezebel. She promised him an imminent demise for he had slain all of her precious false prophets that were proponents of Ba’al, a false G-d. He escapes into the wilderness and sits under the solitary tree there, begging Hashem to reclaim his soul. Hashem answers this suicidal cry by sending an Angel who brings food to Eliyahu and also sends a vision to him emphasizing the supremacy of His power. Hashem shows the following to Eliyahu in the vision: Wind, an Earthquake, and Fire. Hashem points out that none of these things aptly represent Him. Then a thin, still sound is heard, implying G-d’s strength is not found in the obvious but even in the smallest, seemingly insignificant thing. Hashem then commands Eliyahu to go anoint the Kings of Aram, and Yisroel and anoint Elisha, son of Shaphat to be the prophet in his stead. Eliyahu fulfills G-d’s commandment and the Haftorah concludes with Elisha as Eliyahu’s apprentice.


Mt. Carmel today, is where the standoff between Eliyahu and the Ba’al worshippers took place.


Eliyahu’s Biography:

  • Lived around 875-850 B.C., 2850 years ago. He was known both as Eliyahu Hatishbi, and Eliyahu ha-giladi, from the Territory of Gilad.
  • Was a student of Achiya Hashiloni. Eliyahu was a Great Prophet and priest of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Eliyahu was the leader of the sons of the prophets – The B’nai Haneviem. He had 4 Students: Michah, the Prophet and Rabbi of Isaiah the prophet; Jonah - One of the prophets in the Trey Assar; Ovadiah - One of the prophets in Tray Assar; Elisha – Elijah’s disciple, he requested from Eliyahu a blessing to perform double the miracles and resurrections as Eliyahu.
  • Was never married. He was zealous on G-d’s behalf. He gained a reputation of appearing and disappearing like the wind. Eliyahu rose up to heaven in a chariot of fire led by horses of fire.
  • His body was never separated from his soul so he still lives. He did not die because his mission was not completed. The Pasuk in Malachi clearly tells us "Behold I am sending you the prophet, before the great and awesome day of G-d.” Eliyahu is the one who will be responsible to bring the Messiah.
  • Eliyahu performed 8 miracles in his lifetime. 5 of which were private miracles, and the other 3, public miracles.

Possibly, the view from the cave at Mount Sinai that Eliyahu went into.


Famous Phrases: Melachim 1 19:12, “Kol dimamah dakah” “A hushed voice, a gentle whisper” (Some say this refers to the voice of Hashem). This phrase appears in the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Mussaf prayer of “Unetaneh Tokef”


Elijah Taken up to Heaven in a Chariot of Fire


Haftorahman’s Lesson of the Week: Do you have a successor? It is about continuity. Eliyahu ran away from Jezebel, and begged for his soul to be claimed, telling Hashem that he is ready to stop fighting Bnei Yisroel. Hashem understood Eliyahu’s desperation and so told him to prepare the successors. Hashem did not just tell Eliyahu to go anoint them, but to also take Elisha into his stead and teach him what must be done. It is always important for one to cultivate the younger generation because they will one day take over. From Rabbi to student, from parent to child, one must always remember to leave behind a legacy, and the way to do that is to invest all your knowledge into the next generation.



Dor L’dor By: Ephraim Waxman Feldheim Publishing



Written by: Reuben Gavriel Ben Nissim Ebrahimoff 5771-2011

